IT support, now with computers getting more user friendly, and users in general getting more savvy it would seem like there’d be less need for it. It wasn’t that long ago when the DOS prompt was enough to bring grown men to tears, the taunting C:\ staring at them, peering into their soul and judging them. While they in vain tried to remember how to make it run anything, until eventually their sanity slipped. Now if you want a file to run you’ve probably made a short cut of it on your desktop, you just double click it to open, and everything’s up and running. Yet with the apparent growth in ease IT support services exist in places as far and wide as New York New York, Fort Lauderdale Florida, and Anchorage Alaska.
The reason why is that despite the fact that we know more about how to use our systems, and the computers being easier to use, we’re still rather ignorant and impatient. Even on work computers people will download “free screen savers” that are loaded with malware. As a general rule we don’t know what a lot of functions do and settings mean, and have a tendency to click “OK “every time a prompt comes up. Besides the still obvious importance of setting up a system, IT support is needed in part because we have just a little bit of knowledge.
Having a little bit of knowledge can be dangerous; it provides just enough confidence to do incredibly stupid things. For personal computer use or professional it’s important to know who your local IT people are. Thankfully regardless if you live in a place as hot as Key West or as cold as Juno Alaska there will be plenty of quality IT people to choose from. If you’re already experiencing problems, or if you just want to set up an arrangement with a company to do periodic checks. It can be good to have an IT support company to call on if/when something goes wrong. Modern operating systems are far from perfect. Even when they do run perfectly the weakest point is often still the user. If we’re over confident in our knowledge and aptitude and impatient about reading things we users make for a very large weak point. Who among us hasn’t hammered the “OK” button to progress without reading what we’re agreeing to? And who can say that they have no employees who while at work might browse the web and install a few “harmless” applications. Do all of your employees know how much CPU they can sap by having too many things run in the background? If you want to have an easier time dealing with the inevitable computer problems, look into your local IT support companies.