Putting Together Great Baby Gift Baskets

by | Apr 14, 2011 | Gifts

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Creating and putting together the perfect baby gift basket is an art that many people have not yet mastered.  Most people will typically rush the whole process without giving it a lot of thought.  All they do is pick out a basket, fill it with various baby items, and wrap it in a neat bow.  While this can be an effective gift, it does not really show how much you love the infant who will be the beneficiary of the gift basket.  Show your love by putting together a wonderful baby gift basket with the help of these simple ideas.

  1. Pick a basket.  The whole process starts by your picking the appropriate basket to put all the baby stuff in.  First off, it is not imperative to choose an expensive basket to prepare the perfect baby gift set.  You will need to choose one that is appropriate to the gender of the baby and will coincide with the overall theme of the gift basket.  If the beneficiary is a boy, then a basket made of wood, wicker, or plastic in a neutral or dark color should suffice.  If the baby is a girl, then you would want to find a basket that is more girly such as a pink wicker basket or sky blue plastic basket with a handle.  You may have the basket customized with the baby’s name or a themed design as well.  Be creative but practical.
  1. Choose the baby items.  If you have a theme in mind based on the age and gender of the baby, then you would want to choose certain items that will match the theme.  However, the baby’s mother will appreciate you picking baby items that are practical and useful.  Baby blankets, baby bathrobes, bibs and hats, pacifiers, socks, and diapers, are just some of the commonly used things that will be appreciated so it would be wise to throw these in the mix.  Of course, you can choose these items in colors that will fit the theme of the gift basket.  Aside from these, you will want to throw cutesier and cooler items in the mix like a teddy bear or stuffed toy, a personalized baby tee, a custom-made photo album, or a mobile.
  1. Preparing the gift basket.  Once the basket and all the items to be included in the basket are ready, the next step would be to design the basket.  This means that you will need to be a little creative and imaginative.  First off, you would want to set up all the items in the basket in a way where every single item is visible.  To get the desired effect, it would be a great idea to place a small and sturdy cardboard box at the bottom of the basket to serve as the platform for all the other items to rest on.  Once that is done, place the harder items first and top it off with the softer items.  Position every item so that it can be seen at any angle.  As soon as you are satisfied with the layout, design the basket as a gift by attaching ribbons and bows all around it.  If the items in the basket are overflowing, then it would be a great idea to wrap the whole basket in clear cellophane or plastic.    

These simple tips can be done by virtually anyone for as long as he or she gives it a lot of thought and effort.  If this is not your cup of tea and want to take the easy way out, there are many stores that will sell pre-made gift baskets.  Normally, these commercial gift baskets will already have pre-made themes with baby items mixed in that are common to most gift basket ideas.  Some stores will even allow you to customize the baby gift baskets.     

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