Your Water Meter Installation Cost

by | Jun 8, 2016 | Energy

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If you are considering installing water meters for your multifamily units, cost may well be one factor you are considering. Water meter installation cost varies. The major factors affecting the expenditure are whom you choose to be the provider, and what type of meter they install. Before you make the move to tenant paid water service, you should not only check out the water management services but also carefully consider the types of meters available.

Basic Types of Water Meters

Essentially, you have the choice between two basic types of water meters. These are average or traditional and smart. The former predominates for all types of residences and businesses across the United States. The latter is slowly making headway due to its ability to improve overall water usage for residents.

Common Water Meter

The average water meter is fairly inexpensive to install. Its purpose is simple – to record the amount of water an individual, family or business uses. A meter reader “reads” the meter. He or she records the information and then sends the data to the home office. In some instances, the reader may not be read manually but through a remote. This reduces the need for boots on the ground and reduces the margin of error.

Meter readers of this type are capable of providing the billing company and you with the amount of water utilized. The billing office charges accordingly and sends you the bill for payment. In some cases, the meter is not read for a specific period. The company will then use your previous usage on record and estimate your bill.

Overall, while restrictive in application, a traditional water meter is an effective means of recording and billing water usage. Some owners continue to use this method. They consider the initial cost justified and see no need to adopt another more expensive approach.

Smart Meters

Another option for meter installation is smart meters. Water meter installation cost for this type is more expensive. However, it is an excellent tool for tenants and building owners who want to know specifics about their water usage. Smart meters can:

  * Collect data and all types of information with more frequency
  * Send it directly to the management service providers or other companies
  * Gather and supply information on various aspects of water usage including frequency, timing and other characteristics. In doing so, it provides a picture of usage patterns making it easier for clients to understand where and when to reduce use. Provide sufficient data to allow a complete analysis of usage patterns including frequency
  * Pinpoint things such as leaks and other issues that will affect the amount of water usage recorded by the meter

The result for all involved is saving money.

Water Meter Installation Cost Reduction

While installing traditional meters is less expensive, it may not prove to be as cost-effective as the options. Smart meters can save money for everyone. While a smart water meter installation cost may be higher, in the end, it will prove to more effectively control water usage, therefore saving everyone money.

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