To A Vaper; The Selection Of Their E Cigarette Liquid Flavors Is Critical

by | Dec 4, 2015 | Cigarettes

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We are told that the purchases of vaping products (like e-cigs for example) are made predominately by existing or ex-tobacco smokers. The claim being that not many non-smokers are being turned into nicotine addicts through the current trend towards tobacco-free smoking. In this respect; many view vaping as a good thing healthwise that might even wean a confirmed tobacco smoker away from nicotine altogether.

What Is Vaping?

Less than 10 years ago it was unheard of but it is now a worldwide trend. The concept is really quite simple. People smoke tobacco products because of the nicotine in the smoke; but, because nicotine is addictive; many smokers find it difficult if not impossible to give up – even when they are convinced that it is bad; not only for their health; but also the health of others nearby. They will also turn a blind eye to the discolored ceilings and smelly furniture if they regularly smoke indoors.

Would such hardened tobacco addicts be helped if they could get their nicotine in another way? Most people will say yes in answer to this question. Unfortunately, chewing nicotine flavored gum, applying nicotine patches; or, undergoing hypnosis do not seem to produce good long term results for many hardened smokers.

However; vaping does appear to produce a better long term result in keeping people away from tobacco products. The results and long term effects are still under study; but, because vaping shares many of the physical aspects of tobacco smoking it can be an acceptable substitute for tobacco. The vaper sucks in an aerosol like vapor produced electronically within the device which they can then inhale and blow out. I.E. the typical mechanics of smoking a cigarette; but, without setting fire to anything in order to obtain the smoke.

With fire and smoke; all sorts of minute particles are carried into the smoker’s lungs along with a dose of nicotine. With vapor; there are no solid particles and the health and pollution aspects associated with them. Furthermore, the vaper can adjust the mixture of the fluid to be vaporized.

What’s In The Fluid?

An E Cigarette Liquid Flavors are added to a 95% a harmless carrier fluid like propylene glycol, glycerin or water to which up to 2% nicotine can be added. The balance is made up with a wide variety of flavorings for taste. The flavorings can be natural (fruit, coffee, etc) or artificial (such a taste that emulates that of well known branded tobacco products).

Eciggood not only provide the vaping equipment and accessories; they also sell a huge range of E Cigarette Liquid Flavors or juices. Contact us to buy online E cigarette.

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