How To Keep Acquainted With The HITECH Act

by | Jan 5, 2012 | Business

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The HITECH Act and its standards should be followed respectably in order to provide the appropriate service to all clients in the dental industry. HITECH is focused on increasing the competency and capability of the health care system and by keeping up to date with these laws, a significant difference can be visualized in the performance of a business. To ensure your network meets or surpasses the necessary requirements of HITECH, it is recommended to find some form of consultation service to keep your business in good form.

What Is The HITECH Act?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, also known as the HITECH Act was founded in 1996 and continues to make beneficial differences to the health care system. Enacted by the U.S. Congress and signed by Bill Clinton, HITECH works to conserve the coverage of health insurance for individuals or families who have lost their job or form of income. Standards of all health care systems including that of the dental sector should be met in order to keep a practice in compliance. Failure to do so can present negative connotations associated to that individual company, which is why it is essential to stay on top of all necessary requirements.

Ways To Ensure Requirements Of The HITECH Act Are Met

For a dental business to ensure standards of the HITECH Act are met or exceeded, the appropriate factors should be implemented. This can be done through the help of a qualified expert or by the incorporation of particular software and equipment. There are many companies that can ensure the requirements are met, allowing a business to thrive. Despite the many options presented to dental companies aiming to meet the HITECH standards, research and care should be taken before any collaboration occurs with an unfamiliar business. Try and target companies that have experience in this sector and provide good service with exceptional customer feedback.

Aspects That Should Be Covered In HITECH Act Solutions

When deciding on a company to work closely with for the purpose of meeting standards associated with the HITECH Act, you should discover the services offered that can present a positive result to the strength of a company. These include wiring/cable installation, network installation, software licensing, computer upgrades, red flag solutions, new practice solutions, e-mail solutions, financing, anti-spam and anti-virus solutions, custom dental website design, miscellaneous installation, practice management software and many more beneficial services and support.

​Due to the HITECH Act being a widespread necessity for all dental businesses, it is crucial in the future of your company to acknowledge these factors and to implement them through the use of a professional, experienced service. Without the appropriate assistance you may not receive the desired result that should be obtained. For the successful growth of businesses and services provided, the HITECH Act can assist in continuous practical success.

Pact-One can help in ensuring your patient privacy laws, are updated for the HITECH Act, with professional consulting and available services. Visit for more information.

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