Beavercreek Cosmetic Dentistry Can Restore Your Smile

by | Jan 27, 2014 | General

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When most people think about a visit to the dentist, they think about cavity fillings or getting their teeth cleaned. Some dental challenges can be heredity but you don’t have to let that prevent you from having a full bright smile. You can give Beavercreek cosmetic dentistry a call and discuss treatments to correct TMJ, underbites, overbits, crossbites or any kind of advanced tooth decay.

One example is bonded veneers. This is a covering that is custom-made to be bonded to the front of one or more teeth. Veneers are tooth colored and can be used to restore misshapen, chipped, discolored or misaligned teeth. They can also be made to get rid of an undesirable gap between teeth.
Another procedure is the dental implant for patients that have lost one or more of their permanent teeth. A dental implant is surgically attached to the lower or upper jaw bone. They serve as anchors for a full set of dentures or one or more artificial teeth.

A crown can be placed on teeth to restore teeth that have lost their structure. Here is some of the things crowns are used for:

  • Cover for badly discolored or shaped teeth
  • To restore a tooth
  • To protect teeth that have been fractured
  • As an attachment to a dental implant
  • Attached to bridges
  • Improves how your bite fits together

If you have these or other dental challenges, you should place a call to discuss Beavercreek cosmetic dentistry. On your first appointment you will be given a complete examination to see if you have a gum infection, need any fillings or have any other problems that need to be fixed first. Then the dentist will sit with you and discuss which procedures you qualify for that will bring your smile back to you. If more than one procedure is recommended, a schedule can be set up to have them preformed. When all of the work is completed, you will have a smile that you can be proud of. Don’t delay, make that call today. The sooner that you get started, the sooner you will be able to smile at everyone you meet with confidence.

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