What are the Signs You Need New Tires?

by | Sep 30, 2011 | Automotive

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Every time you take your vehicle out on the road, the tires face a great deal of wear and tear. These parts of your vehicle are some of the most robust parts on your car, but they also need care, pressure checks and regular repair and changing. Often the experts at the auto repair shop will insist you need to get a new set of tires. Nobody wants to get involved in a serious avoidable accident because they did not change their tires, but before you buy new ones, check on your existing treads to see if they still have some life in them.

  • Ideally the tread depth should not fall below 1/16th of an inch. If you operate your vehicle on slick wet surfaces on a regular basis, twice that depth would be sufficient for you to change your set of tires.
  • Some newer tires have tread wear indicator bars in built into the surface. The bars are not visible or barely visible in new treads but as the tread wears down they become detectable as flat rubber bars that appear perpendicular to the tread. If more than one of these bars becomes visible, you can be assured that the treads are becoming dangerously worn out and should be replaced by your mechanic or dealership.
  • Sometimes the sidewalls too appear weathered or worn down. By closely examining the sidewall for cuts, tracks and grooves you can decide for yourself the condition. Grooves that are distinctly visible to the naked eye may develop into leaks or may blow out while you are driving. Avoid a serious accident by taking your car to your repair shop or mechanic and take appropriate action.
  • On examining the surface of your wheels if you see distension on the outer surface of the rubber or a blister, it’s an indicator that you might face a sudden blow out at this weak spot. Don’t take any risks and visit your repair shop pronto. Keep your eyes peeled for such bulges and blisters that are tell tale signs of severe wear and tear.
  • You know when your car is performing normally and you are used to its typical vibration on badly paved roads, but if you feel the vibration is abnormal and excessive there might be some mechanical problem with your car. The cause for these vibrations may mean a fault with your shock absorbers. But they ultimately may be caused from misalignment or unbalanced tires or an internal defect in them.

If you come across any of the above signs, it’s time to change your tires.Arlington VA residents can visit their local auto repair shop for advice and maintenance.

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