Questions to Ask the Family Dentist In Moorhead, MN

by | Jul 16, 2015 | Dental Health

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One of the more important roles filled by a Family Dentist In Moorhead MN, is helping to educate patients on the basics of taking care of the teeth and gums. While many times this information is offered freely during office visits, it pays to remember patients are always free to ask questions. Here are some examples of questions worth posing to the dental professional.

Choosing the Right Toothbrush and Toothpaste

There is no doubt the family dentist in Moorhead MN can provide feedback making it easy to choose the right type of toothbrush. The recommendation will be based on factors like the current condition of the teeth and gums and the age of the patient. Keep in mind the dentist will likely focus on the hardness of the bristles and how the design of the handle will make it easier to use the brush effectively.

In terms of toothpaste, the dentist will offer recommendations based on the sensitivity of the teeth and the combination of ingredients needed to help deal with a plaque. The goal is to provide the patient with specific characteristics the product must possess to do the job properly. With the list of qualifications in hand, it will be much easier to find a brand of toothpaste that is a good fit for the patient.

Understanding How to Use Floss

Not everyone knows how to use floss properly. Since this seems like something everyone should know, those not sure how to proceed may be embarrassed to ask. Remember that the dentist will be happy to provide some tips to make the use of floss more effective. Along the way, the professional will also make some recommendations for selecting the type of floss that will do the best.

For patients having any dental questions, feel free to talk with the team at Smile Solutions PC today. They can provide answers to those questions and ensure a patient has all the information needed to enjoy the best of dental health. Along with answering questions, the professionals can also help with examinations, cleanings, and any other dental need the patient has. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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