Investigative Questions Divorce Lawyers in Austin Ask

by | Aug 26, 2011 | Legal Advice

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A divorce settlement can take up to one year. To begin with, divorce lawyers in Austin will have to be evaluated well to land a suitable choice. Once the attorney or the law firm has been hired, you need to gear up for the actual process. Use your initial consultation meetings to gather as much knowledge about the legal proceedings as possible.

Divorce lawyers in Austin will also ask you a few relevant questions, as part of the assessment for your case. You need to prepare yourself for a candid conversation. A divorce case could involve several facets, including some very sensitive issues. However, when you put your faith in one of the divorce lawyers in Austin of your choice, concealing facts could be disastrous.

What Divorce Lawyers in Austin Ask

Listed below are some of the questions you will need to provide answers to.

  • The very first questions will usually pertain to basic information. You would be required to provide the name of your spouse, the year of marriage, the county or state in which the marriage took place and related information. Such facts would be mandatory for preliminary filing formalities.
  • Next, most divorce attorneys in Austin would come directly to the fees part. They will explain their fee structure and enquire if the rates suit you. They would also ask for some security money at the outset, before starting to work on your case.
  • Once the initial modalities have been established, the attorney is likely to enquire about the outcome you desire from the case. Now that your marriage is over, do you wish to win property claims or the custody of your children? Would you like to seek monetary compensation? Your expectations will help the attorney to chart his course of action.
  • Divorce attorneys in Austin will also ask questions about your joint assets, stakes and debts with your spouse. Common queries would be:  Do you have joint bank accounts? What are your individual incomes? Can you provide proof of tax returns and any joint property wills that you might have?
  • The last, and probably the most important, question pertains to the children. If you have children from the marriage, you would have to furnish preliminary details about their age and identification. You would also be asked who the primary caregiver is for them and the type of child custody you are looking for.

While some questions are easy enough to answer, others may bring up emotions that are difficult to deal with. Remember to answer honestly because your divorce lawyer in Austin only wants to ensure that you get what you want.



Divorce Lawyers In Austin – For some of the best divorce lawyers in Austin, visit James W Evans, the principal attorney, has vast experience of 18 years behind him and several successful jury trials to his credit.

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