Under normal circumstances, you have your medical bills sent to your health insurance company. When a person in hurt in a car accident, though, the process can be a bit confusing. It doesn’t have to be, however. Whether you are transported to the hospital by ambulance from the crash scene or you go to your family doctor the next day, your bills should be paid by your personal health insurance. Health insurance companies have procedures in place to recover the money they pay from either the responsible party’s insurance company or from your cash settlement.
Your health insurance company will know your personal injury in Iowa City, IA resulted from a car accident as soon as the first claim is submitted to them. It is important to make sure your insurer differentiates your accident related claims from those related to ongoing treatment you receive for health conditions you had prior to the crash. Because you may have to reimburse them for the money they pay to doctors on your behalf, keeping a close eye on your records can save you a lot of money.
When you use this process, you get the benefit of the contracts your insurance company has with the medical professionals you see for your injuries. Most insurance company contracts involve significant discounts off of the total bill. When you repay the bills after you get your settlement, you will only have to pay the discounted amount and not the total billed amount. This fact alone makes it vital that you send your bills directly to your health insurance company. Most insurers have time limits on claims so if you submit them on your own, be sure they are timely.
If you have been in a serious car accident and have questions about how to handle your expenses, visit TRLF.com or speak to an attorney directly for advice. Lawyers who handle claims for Personal Injury in Iowa City IA offer free consultations and don’t collect a fee unless they are able to recover money on your behalf. You have nothing to lose by consulting with a lawyer and the advice they give may save you a lot of stress and money.