Art Shipping To New York From California And Back Again

by | Apr 6, 2016 | Moving Services

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When people ask – “what is art”? Do they really expect an answer? Art is surely in the eye of the beholder and will have different meanings to different people. Your kids first crayon picture stuck to the fridge door is a work of art to you and probably gives you better feelings than any expensive “original” hanging on your living room wall.

Art And Investment

It cannot be denied that when the world at large acknowledges something as a great work of art it is going to attract value. It does not have to be a painting. It could be sculpture, ceramic, metalwork or anything else that has been uniquely created by human hand. Being unique makes it a one off rarity that many others would like to own for themselves – hence its dollar value rises and, in most cases will continue to rise throughout time. This is why art has become such a good investment.

Cashing In Or Sharing Your Investment

While some do like to keep their art entirely to themselves and do not allow the public at large to see it, there are others who feel some sort of altruistic duty to occasionally have their art placed on public view at a gallery or museum. To do this, the artwork usually has to leave its owners keeping and be transported to another place.

The same applies most of the time when the owner of a piece of art decides that the time has come for it to be sold. It might be a private sale but generally speaking, the art will have to travel to an auction house.

In both these instances, the work of art will be going on display at its destination. If it required any dismantling from its original display arrangement, this will need to be redone at the other end so as to show the work to its maximum advantage.

Most Works Of Art Are Relatively Fragile

If the art is to be transported and arrive at its destination in the same condition as when it started the journey, it follows that meticulous attention has to be paid to protective packaging, avoiding unnecessary (or accidental) rigors of transportation and careful unpacking at the final destination. If the piece was on loan, after the exhibition the whole process will need to be reversed to return the piece to its owner.

Art Pack are based in Southern California and they have a great reputation when it comes to Art Shipping to New York and back again –or anywhere else for that matter.

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