A Personal Injury Lawyer in Louisville Who Doesn’t Put You On Hold

by | Oct 18, 2013 | Lawyers

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The Insurance industry has a nasty little trick they like to play on injured clients. They don’t care for a Personal Injury Lawyer in Louisville because of this trick. Shortly after the patient is hospitalized from a personal injury, while they are still groggy from anesthesia or pain medication, the insurance sends them a paper to sign.

This paper basically states that you will not sue the person or institution who caused you injury; the insurance company will do that. Furthermore, should you sue, any compensation you might win must be paid directly to the insurance company to reimburse them for the money they have paid out to you. One should never sign any paper until they have found a lawyer like T.J. Smith and sought advice from him.

Many people have suffered catastrophic injuries that have left them so traumatized that they will never return to a “normal” life. With no money and no possibility of returning to a job, the question is raised; “how will I survive?” The answer is to contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Louisville. The one you might want to give some serious thought to is T.J. Smith, Attorney at Law in Louisville, Kentucky.

T.J. and his law firm work aggressively to get you the best outcome possible. He has been practicing law for 20 years. He is one of the top 100 trial lawyers in the United States. It is reported that he has obtained verdicts and settlements “in excess of $200 million.” His phrase on his publicity and on his website is Tjwillmakeempay.com. The beautiful truth about that is that he keeps his word.

TJ works every case, but uses other staff in his office to assist. If you must go to court, his team has analyzed every aspect of your case including your medical records, your future potential, the police records of an accident, and other relevant information. He will bring in expert witnesses.

The issues he covers include Medical Malpractice, Birth Injury, Cerebral Palsy as a result of errors in delivery, Hospital Negligence, Anesthesia, Surgery Errors, Drug Dosage errors, Misdiagnoses, Brain injuries, and the list goes on. Do not suffer these problems alone. Do not put your family through needless worry and torment.

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