Improve Your Finances With a Bankruptcy Attorney in Fairfield, OH

by | Dec 19, 2013 | Bankruptcy Law

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When you have an excess of bills, it is important to understand your options. If your debts are immense, you most likely have bill collectors calling constantly, threatening to garnish your wages and send your accounts into collections. You may be worried about how you are going to pay your bills and what your debts are going to do to your credit. If you are dealing with this type of debt and have done all you can to overcome it, there are other options. Filing for bankruptcy can allow you freedom from your debt. Through a Bankruptcy Attorney in Fairfield, OH, you can get the help you need, with understanding how to file your petition and get it approved.

Should You Hire a Bankruptcy Attorney in Fairfield, OH?

If you are interested in filing for bankruptcy, it is in your best interest to hire an attorney to assist you. While you may could file the petition yourself, many people do not fully understand the bankruptcy laws and are unsure of how to proceed in filling out the paperwork. To make the process easier and less stressful, many people make the decision to hire an attorney.

When you meet with your attorney, he or she will first go over your finances. Paying special attention to the debts you owe, the attorney will assist you in making the decision on which type of bankruptcy will best meet your needs. Most people file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. If you choose Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you will have a trustee to serve over your case, liquidating your assets to pay off your debts. In a Chapter 13 filing, you will make a monthly payment to cover your debts.

Once your bankruptcy has been approved and you have been through the period of time of your bankruptcy, you will no longer be held responsible for your debts. This clears the way for a new financial future and allows you to focus on rebuilding your credit. If you would like to learn more about bankruptcy and need a lawyer to help you, contact R. Dean Snyder Attorney and allow him to help.

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