A Dentist in Itasca Could Treat Young and Old Patients

by | Feb 27, 2021 | Dentist

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Consistent dental visits, along with daily brushing and flossing, are the best ways to keep teeth and gums healthy. This attention to teeth should start as soon as a child is born. Parents can gently rub their baby’s gums after they are fed to ensure milk or baby food doesn’t sit in their mouth too long. This ensures the gums are healthy when the teeth erupt. After that, parents can gently brush their baby’s teeth with fluoride-free toothpaste. Fluoride shouldn’t be used until the child is older and understands not to swallow the toothpaste. Over time, children can be taught to brush their own teeth, but parents should continue to supervise them until they are confident on their own.

Visits to a Dentist in Itasca can begin as early as a child’s first birthday. Some dentists prefer to see young patients when they are a bit older. Once a child starts seeing the dentist, they should visit every six months for a checkup and cleaning. During these visits, the dentist in Itasca might detect problems in the earliest stages and treat them before they cause significant damage to their patient’s teeth. Although parents are generally responsible for taking their child to the dentist regularly, it’s important for adults to maintain the habit. Unhealthy lifestyle choices that adults sometimes make could have a detrimental effect on their teeth if they don’t get regular care from their dentist.

Choosing a Dentist in Itasca that offers gentle treatment could be ideal for anyone who has had a negative experience with a dental provider. Sedation can help a patient relax while they get their treatments. While this might not be necessary for minor procedures like small restorations, a patient who needs more extensive work could benefit from this service. Oral sedation typically helps a person relax enough that they are able to listen to music or watch a movie while they get their dental care without being aware of any discomfort the treatment might cause. Whether a person has recently moved to the Itasca area or needs to change their dental provider, offers valuable information to help a new patient make an appointment to get started with the practice.

To learn more about the dentist in Itasca and the dental services provided, contact the staff at Brian Homann, DDS, or visit their website for more information today.

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